"Love, whether newly born, or aroused from a deadlike slumber, must always create sunshine, filling the heart so full of radiance, that it overflows upon the outward world."
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Beautiful Sushi
This weekend we ventured to South Holston Lake for a "couples retreat" with the Babbs. We had so much fun relaxing in the water, fishing off the dock, the boys playing xbox, and playing board games. I cant imagine a more perfect way to spend time with people you love! We collectively caught 8-10 fish and a turtle. I havent fished in so long and it was amazing to just sit, talk and drown worms.
So Saturday night we went into Bristol and ate at Osaka. The sushi was fantastic and beautiful. I have craved sushi ever since. Sarah and I took pics of our fantastic food so I wanted to share the art of this food. I have never much thought of food as art. I just thought well thats pretty, but Im gonna eat it now.. but this food I almost didnt want to consume. I totally appriciate the effort and time spent making this food special!
haha you're a nerd. i'm glad your sushi was good but now i want some!!! want to go get some this weekend? i'm pretty much free all weekend, except for when i'm going to be hanging out with my many, many friends. let me know.
haha you're a nerd. i'm glad your sushi was good but now i want some!!! want to go get some this weekend? i'm pretty much free all weekend, except for when i'm going to be hanging out with my many, many friends. let me know.