
"Love, whether newly born, or aroused from a deadlike slumber, must always create sunshine, filling the heart so full of radiance, that it overflows upon the outward world."

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Heather the Pony

 I am so excited to post this... I wish I could remember where I got the pattern, but I started it so long ago I have since lost the pattern. This is not a work in progress, but it too me soooo long to finish it I thought I should post it today!

    Here is the story...

   When I married Mike and his (then) 4yr old, Raegan,  in 2008 I knew I wanted to make her something special. She loves horses... I mean LOVES! So this was a perfect project to do. Like I said I started crocheting it in 2008 and at the time I didn't know much about crochet and didn't really know the difference in a slip stitch and a single crochet, so the whole horse is done in slip stitches. Looking back, I don't know what I was thinking... and needless to say, it took forever. After finishing over half of the horse and realizing I was doing to wrong stitch I got discouraged and mad at myself, so consequently I put it down and didn't work on it for a long while. I stopped and started this project easily a dozen times. As Christmas rolled around last year I decided once and for all I would finish this frustrating horse. I worked like crazy to finish it in time and I love the outcome, so did Raegan!

   Last night my sister and I had a pony photo shoot and I love how some of the pics turned out so much like Glamour Shots!!!

    I love how she tells a story with her eyes thru the next few pictures!


    I loved how her hair and bow turned out, she looks so dainty!

     Oh this is one of my Favorites!! So dramatic!

    "Just hanging out, posing with this railing!"

    Here are a few full body shots... 


    I hope you loved it, we do! I hope you have a Beautiful, Blessed day!

    I have to post this picture again because I love it so much!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Finished Shawl

    Well I finished the shawl in time for our crazy weekend! I was very happy with the outcome!

    I didn't get very many good pictures of it.

    She loved it!

   It was crocheted... I used a knitting needle only to make the straight lines that look shear. I thought it turned out great!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Im inspired to make a list!

   While reading crochet concupiscence's Blog today I was in inspired to make my own list of things I want to crochet in the coming year, possibly by Christmas. If you don't see your name and you want a special something made for you let me know!

   My sister always tells me to make lists and add things that are easy or have already been done so I can put a big check beside them... so some things on this list may have already been done, but I am including them!

1. My nana a Shawl... yay I get to CHECK! (I finished it last night, ill post it tomorrow)
2. My husband... He is hard to make things for, well all men are hard to crochet for. He has been asking me to make him Star Wars figures... they just look really hard, we'll see!
3. My sister... I started a blanket for her...she actually picked out the colors, but can't remember what she chose, so that will be a nice surprise!
4.  My mom a shawl like my nana's... she really liked the one I made nana and I think I will make her one in colors she likes for Christmas.
5. I want to make more necklaces for our Etsy site, Peace.Joy.Yarn. Currently none of the ones I have made are on there... so maybe I will tackle that next week.
6. I have a new purse pattern I want to try... I have no idea who that will go to... any takers?
7. I want to make Raegan a new horse... this will NOT be done by Christmas, the first one took me 2 years cause I kept stopping!
8. My Brother-in-law needs something handcrafted I believe... what would William like? Guess I will think on that one!

*I am quickly running out of projects I want to make, just can't think! Maybe this will be a 10 project list!*

9. I want to find a great pattern for toboggans to crochet and make a bunch for winter.
10. My Mother-in-law... even though she can crochet and has taught me a lot she never makes time to do it anymore, so I think I want to make something for her!

    Well that is all I can think of on the fly! I will probably go home, look through a new book I got and find 37 more things I want to make. But this is a great start and hopefully it will keep me motivated to get some stuff done!

   Have a beautiful, blessed day!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Work In Process Wednesday

   I am so very excited about the project I am feverishly working on this week. A lot of the crochet blogs I follow post things they are working on and I am thrilled to show some of the things I have started. This will not be a problem for me in the following weeks considering I have roughly 10 projects started right now. Apparently this isn't uncommon in the crafting world to start 1000 things and have them lying around for a rainy, crocheting day. Right now I know of 4 blankets I have going, jewelry that still hasn't been put on our website, a few scarves, a fantastic pattern for a purse, and many others. But back to my project this week...

    Before the pictures I would like to give a background on this project, because it is very special to me. My wonderful, energetic, hardworking grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer in January of this year. Before getting sick with pneumonia and consequently finding out she had cancer, she was helping me at the shop as well as working at a nursing home in Bristol. To say the least she was an independent woman. Since then she has fought like crazy, but doesn't have strength to do much. We are very close and I love her very much, it has been very hard to watch her feel horrible, but she is an amazing lady and I know God has a plan for all of us. Her birthday is coming up at the end of this month and she wanted our large family to get together and have a big cookout. We all decided it would be fun to get a cabin in the Smoky Mountains and take her away for the weekend. This was decided last Saturday, the day I decided to start this project. With conflicting schedules of 23 people there was no other time to go other than this coming weekend. That is right, I had less than 1 week to start and finish a project I had never done before. My nana reads a lot and sits in her screened-in porch, so I thought well she needs a shawl to keep her cozy. So that is what I am working on. My sister and mom helped me pick out 3 colors we thought she would like, off-white, brown, and light green. I have had many struggles over the past few days. I got the pattern off of the yarn I chose, Caron yarn. So this is where I am...

This is the Base of the shawl.

That Green and White ruffly blob is going to be a border... It will be beautiful flowery squares, alternating in color along the edge, with brown in between the base and squares and along the outside of everything.

Ever wondered what 268 stitches look like on a huge knitting needle?

Crazy huh? I have never had to put that many stitches on anything before, so it is a little scary and to think that I actually have to take them off of there and not skip any is terrifying!!

This is sort of what the border squares look like... I think it will be very pretty!

Well there you go my work in progress (please overlook the pictures, I am still learning and I am by far not a photographer!).. Like I said I have to have it done by Friday so I will try to post it before I gift it!!

Have a wonderful blessed day!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My newest crocheting project

So I love crocheting! I have recently been following some crochet blogs on blogspot and as a result have found a new love for creating! So in hopes of becoming as cool as some of the other kids (the cool ladies whose blogs I follow) I am back to blogging! I want to share some fun projects I am working on.

This summer Julia and I started a "company" called Peace.Joy.Yarn where we are currently trying to improve our etsy shop I have been dabbling in the world of crocheted jewelry, so I have plenty of new projects to post. I have been doing earrings, necklaces, hair accessories, and dishcloths, as well as blankets and other small projects.

Last night I found a purse handle my step-daughter picked out and decided to make her a quick handbag. I isn't anything hard or special, but it will be special for her!

I simply made 2 granny squares and single crocheted around them, leaving the top open. Then I attached the handles. She will LOVE it!

I know the photos aren't great, I took them with my phone, but it is cute for a 7 year old! Hope you enjoy! Have a beautiful day!